Am I an Alcoholic? Self Test

Am I an Alcoholic? Self-Test:


This is a self-test to help determine if you have an alcohol problem. Answer the questions honestly yes or no and add up the yes answers at the end of the test.

Yes  No

☐   ☐  Do I have control over alcohol or does alcohol control me?

☐   ☐  Has my life become unmanageable because of alcohol?

☐   ☐  Am I able to just have just 1 drink and then stop for the rest of the day?

☐   ☐  When I’m with other people drinking can I just have 1 drink even when they are having many                     more?

☐   ☐  Am I having trouble remembering what happened the night before when I was drinking?

☐   ☐  Am I hiding my drinking?

☐   ☐   Am I hiding bottles?

☐   ☐   Am I going to different stores to buy alcohol?

☐   ☐   Am I drinking when your loved one is not around?

☐   ☐   Am I drinking just because no one is looking?

☐   ☐   Am I finishing other people’s drinks?

☐   ☐   Am I hiding bottles in recycle bin?

☐   ☐   Am I taking empty bottles somewhere else to dispose?

☐   ☐   Am I using gum, breath mints, food, etc. to hide the alcohol smell?

☐   ☐  Am I showering and/or changing cloths just because I want to get rid or minimize the

alcohol smell?

☐   ☐  Am I trying to keep track of how many drinks I have?

☐   ☐  Am I using websites that calculate BAC to calculate if there is still alcohol in my system?

☐   ☐  Am I using a breathalyzer to figure out if I’m intoxicated?

☐   ☐  Am I drinking items that most people would not use to catch a buzz?

☐   ☐  Am I hiding receipts that have alcohol purchases?

☐   ☐   Am I often or constantly thinking about when I will be able to have my next drink?

☐   ☐   Am I getting into legal trouble alcohol related or not?

☐   ☐   Am I driving after drinking no matter how much or little I drank?

☐   ☐   Do I ever say to myself “I need a drink!”?

☐   ☐   Do I ever think or say that I will stop tomorrow or today but then drink anyway?

☐   ☐   Do I ever go “on the wagon”?

☐   ☐   Have I switched from wine or beer to harder alcohol because the weaker ones just don’t do the                     trick?

☐   ☐   Do I drink before I go out to an event where I will be able to drink anyway?

☐   ☐   Do I drink before I go out to a function because I know there will not be alcohol?

☐   ☐   Do people tell me that maybe I should cut down my drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I go to the store to get alcohol thinking to myself that this will be my last bottle?

☐   ☐   Do I steal alcohol?

☐   ☐   Do I secretly buy alcohol to replace or replenish the alcohol currently in my home?

☐   ☐   Am I having relationship problems?

☐   ☐   Do I get angry when I’m drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I get overly loving when I’m drinking?

☐   ☐   Am I “the life of the party?”

☐   ☐   Have I ever been kicked out of a bar?

☐   ☐   Do I get in fights?

☐   ☐   Have I ever injured myself while drinking?

☐   ☐   Have I ever injured someone else when drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I need to wake up in the middle of the night to have some drinks so I can go back to sleep?

☐   ☐   Do I wake up super early to drink?

☐   ☐   Do I feel sick or jittery when I start to sober up?

☐   ☐   Am I drinking at work?

☐   ☐   Do I bring alcohol with me when I go places?

☐   ☐   Am I calling in sick due to alcohol or hangovers?

☐   ☐   Am I not taking care of normal daily obligations due to alcohol?

☐   ☐   Am I lying to others?

☐   ☐   Am I lying to myself or justifying my drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I think everyone drinks a few or more drinks everyday like me?

☐   ☐   Do “things keep happening to me”?

☐   ☐   Do I blame everything on other people?

☐   ☐   Do I anger easily?

☐   ☐   Do I feel remorse after drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I get into financial difficulties due to drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I want to drink the next morning?

☐   ☐   Do I crave a drink at a specific time of day?

☐   ☐   Do I drink alone?

☐   ☐   Has my boss told me I should control my drinking?

☐   ☐   Has my doctor ever treated me for drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I need to drink because I’m shy with other people?

☐   ☐   Am I depressed?

☐   ☐   Is drinking affecting my sleep?

☐   ☐   Do I get defensive when people ask me about my drinking?

☐   ☐   Have I ever switched from one drink to another hoping it will control my drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I give myself rules about drinking so I can control it?

☐   ☐   Have I tried to quit drinking for a while but ended up drinking before my determined time of not                drinking?

☐   ☐   Do I not drink for a while but when I do I drink a lot?

☐   ☐   Do I research alcoholism a lot?

☐   ☐   Have I switched bars or even moved thinking that doing it can control my drinking?

☐   ☐   It’s not what or how much you drank, it’s what it did to you


These questions, if answered honestly, can give you an idea on how alcohol is affecting your life and if you do indeed have an alcohol problem. Did you answer yes 4 or more times? If so, you may be in trouble with alcohol. Many recovered alcoholics have done a lot of the things listed above. They had to go through a long and painful journey to get to recovery.

Only you can decide if you do have a problem with alcohol, the key is you must be honest with yourself. If you suspect that you may have a problem with alcohol let us help you. We can show you a way to get sober and stay sober. Put your name and e-mail in the box and we will give you the tools you need to get to a sober and happy life. Your information will be kept confidential.