Alcohol Detox for You


Hi, I’m Terry from and I am a recovered Alcoholic. I drank for a long long time, decades actually. My drinking was somewhat under control for quite a while so I thought. But looking back on it, my drinking definitely had a negative impact on my life. My last few years of drinking went from impacting my life to ruling my life. I knew I had to quit. I liked to drink and I liked to be drunk. But it was killing me and everything in my life.

So I tried to quit drinking. I tried every possible method that I was willing to do to quit. But I would not ask for help. I had to do it on my own. Every time I tried to quit I would get Detox symptoms. They would be so painful that I would end up drinking again to stop the pain. Every time I would moderate, I would find myself the next day having drank way way too much. I was basically handcuffed to the drink. No matter what I did I could not stop or moderate. Alcohol had me in its grips. What could I do? I had to figure out a way to get Sober. I learned many things on my journey to sobriety. Some things helped some did not. The following are some helpful tips to get sober.

Since Alcoholism is a disease it MUST be treated as such. To get sober usually professional help is needed. The help can come from a medical facility, your doctor, a rehabilitation facility, a detox center, or even a 12 step program.

Those that achieve successful sobriety almost always have help from someone to get there.

The unfortunate fact is that the success rate of achieving sobriety is very low. However many people have achieved lasting sobriety. And those that do not drink on a daily basis are 100% sober.

One problem with getting sober is the hump of getting through detox. Many need medical attention both mentally and physically to get through it. Many times detox is easier with the help of certain drugs specifically designed for minimizing the symptoms.

Detox symptoms otherwise known as Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a potentially life threatening condition that can occur in people that have been drinking heavily and then either stop or reduce their alcohol consumption.

Alcohol withdrawal can begin hours after the last drink and continue for days or even weeks.

Some of the symptoms can include; sweating, shaky hands, nausea, headache, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, severe tremors, fever, seizures.

To get sober it is imperative that one receives medical attention from a doctor. He can help determine the level of dependency that has happened and the appropriate course of treatment.

Remember! Detoxing from Alcohol can and does kill! It MUST be dealt with in a safe manner.

Perhaps the most important aspect of getting sober is your attitude. You may have tried many different ways to get sober. Some of these may include: limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, only drinking at parties, drinking only when you go out, not drinking when you go out, moving away from where you usually drink, swearing off alcohol, never drinking at work, the methods that people have used are infinite, but once addicted one must sober up completely and maintain sobriety completely.

Attitude is huge; you must want to quit drinking for yourself. Yes others most likely want you to quit drinking, you might want to quit drinking because your family is going to leave you, or your job may be in jeopardy unless you quit. But alcohol is more powerful, you have to want to quit because you want your life to get better.

Alcohol addiction is powerful and cunning. While in the active addiction the mind is affected significantly. A person actively addicted will justify doing things or not doing things that can help achieve sobriety. It is important to realize that one’s own thoughts cannot be trusted while in the grips of alcohol. One must listen to and do any suggestions a doctor or another sober alcoholic says one should do.

It’s very helpful sometimes when trying to get sober that one speaks to a sober alcoholic. A sober alcoholic can usually relate in ways a normal person cannot. They may have experienced many of the same things that an active alcoholic have. Additionally, they usually will not judge as they understand an active alcoholic can do crazy things. Part of remaining sober for a recovering alcoholic is to help a suffering alcoholic. It gives them a sense of purpose as well as reminding them the horrors of active alcoholism.

Rehab centers are often a great way to get over the hump of getting sober. They will help one get over the pain of detox with medically supervised help. They can help a person learn why they may have become addicted in the first place. They can help a person get the tools necessary to start the road of recovery. The time away in rehab can allow someone to focus on their own recovery rather than the everyday rigors of life. Rehab centers can give a person the tools that are imperative to live a sober life once they are released.

The harsh reality is, alcoholism is a fatal disease. If it is not treated correctly it is often fatal. Professional help is usually the only way to treat this disease.

To get some help in getting sober check out for some proven and effective ways to get and stay sober.